La Fenice

Speak No More is performed in three loops, with a total run time of 1 hour and 45 minutes.
Between loops the audience will return to the starting point until invited to begin again.
Once inside, feel free to explore how the stories unfold from different perspectives.
Speak No More is entirely improvised and unscripted. Every show is unique. Every character, action, and interaction is improvised by the cast in the moment.
Masked Shadows ensure the safety of the audience, performers, and space. Please follow any instructions they give. Failure to do so may lead to removal from the show.
The content of the show includes expressions of violence. If at anytime the content is overwhelming, feel free to exit until you feel comfortable to return. A Masked Shadow can assist as needed.
If nature calls during the run of the show, please ask a masked shadow for assistance.
Audience members are encouraged to move freely throughout the space, with the exception of any areas blocked by curtain or closed door.
No unauthorized photography.
Please use only the designated audience seating.
Lighting is low. Please use caution and be aware of trip hazards, uneven ground, performers, props, and other audience members.
Please do not speak during the performance.
Please do not touch the performers.

Adrian Prado, Allie Maldonado, Cara Arlauskas, Jessica Von Schramm, Jordan T Maxwell, Kate Meehan, Kelly Hasandras, Mark Gerchak, Nola Lafayette, Robert Slack, and Tatiana Jitkoff
Special Guests
Adam Rodriguez, Kareem Badr
Shadow Team
Stage Manager - James Gunter
Assistant Stage Manager - Sharky Meehan
Shadows - Whitney Rowlett, Isabel Prado, Max Meehan
Design Team
Direction and Dramaturgy - Kate Meehan
Fight Choreography - Tobie Minor
Intimacy Director - Tobie Minor
Historical Dance Choreography - Whitney Rowlett
Costume, Properties and Puppet Design - Kate Meehan
Sound Design - Max Meehan
Makeup Design - Kate Meehan
Technical Direction - Kate Meehan
We would like to thank Caroline Reck for the inspiration for our goat, Cass Bachman for the loan of these incredible historic furniture finds, Mary Reed and the CCDC team for their hospitality, Tatiana, Atlas and Evander for letting us take over their guest house for a couple of months, the neighbors of Clarksville for tolerating our Spooky Interruptions all month, and our incredibly supportive Company Members.
this production is performed on land stolen from the Caddo, Coahuiltecan, lipan apache, karankawa, tonkawa and witchita people.
Later, the community of clarksville became the first freedman community west of the Mississippi river, which became a thriving, vibrant, independent black community.
This community was all but destroyed in 1928 with Austin's adoption of the City Plan which eliminated all black-accessible city infrastructure to a few blocks in east Austin.
acknowledging this fact doesn't undo the generational harm done to our neighbors.
half of tonight's ticket sales will go to support the ongoing preservation of the Haskell House structure and expansion of their museum offerings, to ensure the legacy of this important community is preserved for generations to come. An additional portion of tonight's ticket sales will go to support the work of indigenous artists and cultural preservationists.